The Bridgestone Group is eternally committed to serving society with superior quality. The group will fulfill our responsibilities decisively. As you reach for the future, the Group will remain by your side. BriSA is the Turkish operations of Bridgestone. A joint venture between Bridgestone and Sabanci Group.

The Need?
The customer is running an organised digital transformation. They are progressing. But how to measure? They have multiple projects running in parallel. Which delivers value, which does not? In which areas the company is progressing? This needs external and unbiased review. They investigated into various methodologies, service providers, and such. Finally, they discovered Digitopia and the “Digital Maturity Index.” The independence, objectivity, professionalism, experience, and passion of Digitopia, convinced them. They don’t regret.
The Solution
Digitopia measured the company’s digital maturity in 2019 and 2020 and will continue to do so. The customer side investment is attending to six assessment sessions. All relevant stakeholders are in one room / looking at one screen.
The alignment, the learning, establishing a shared vision and common objectives is priceless. Getting a comprehensive report, recommendations, and a holistic roadmap are the output, but the benefits are much more than just the report.
The Benefits
Now, BriSA knows where they stand. And actually, they scored seriously better than their industry average. Now, they are also able to set tangible and measurable targets and follow up, how they are progressing.
The Next Steps
The customer engaged with Digitopia for the long-term. To be able to track the progress, staying with the same methodology makes sense, is very effective, and the company has adopted Digitopia’s terminology for internal purposes. Additionally, the teams are working on correlating digital maturity with business performance. They have engaged with various academic institutions to conduct rigorous research. The aim is to empirically prove the business value of digital transformation.
I strongly recommend Digitopia to companies who want to thrive in the Digital Era. The professional attitude, multi-industry experience, and the comprehensive Digital Maturity Index tool which generates tangible and actionable recommendations for digital transformation, are quite special.
CIO/IT Director, BriSA