“A101 grows at an incredible pace. They opened 1.000 new stores every year, for the last few years, now having more than 10.000 stores. At the same time, they invest hugely in digital channels, and the volume there is growing as much, almost doubling every year, for the last few years. During the pandemic they introduced a brand-new last-mile-delivery service, being loved, and rapidly adopted by consumers.“

So, in general A101 is getting more and more digital, accumulating much more data, running much better optimised processes. But where are they on their overall digital journey? How do they compare against their peers? As they get answers to these questions, they will be able to better manage and govern their digital transformation journey. Digitopia has been appointed to measure and benchmark A101’s digital maturity. In June 2020 the first has been conducted. Since then, Digitopia is working with A101’s upper management on their digital transformation and has become a truly trusted advisor. Digitopia invited all relevant stakeholders and top management to six sessions covering the dimensions of the “Digital Maturity Index.” A101 participants benefited very much of discussing jointly their current state and future targets in a very structured manner. The report provided the digital maturity score for the first time. A101 also realised where they are compared against national and international retailers. The recommendations were prioritised jointly and compiled into a holistic roadmap. Digitopia has been appointed as the consultancy to continue the top-level portfolio and program management for A101.
Knowing is such a strong condition, compared to not knowing. A101 now knows exactly and very precisely where they are on their digital transformation journey, on six different dimensions, by more than 120 different topics. Now they can very specifically define their strategies, their targets, and prioritise their investments. By repeating the digital maturity assessment, they will see their progress, how they keep pace with competition, and how they benefit from all the investments in digital transformation. Upper management is monitoring the digital transformation now very closely and has a powerful measurement tool to decide on priorities and investments, and understand the impact and benefits. Another huge benefit is a common understanding of what digital transformation truly is, why it is important, and agree on a shared vision and common objectives. This is what Digitopia usually calls alignment. And A101 benefited greatly from this alignment.
We have been busy with digital transformation at A101 for the last 2 years focusing on the different dimensions of customer experience, operational improvements, innovation, and digital culture. Digitalisation is happening in all aspects of daily life. We wish to adapt to that and build a roadmap in consideration of country dynamics, retail sector dynamics and our corporate culture. One of the most important aspects of the process was the DMI Digital Maturity Index Study which allowed us to have a clear picture of where we are and to set our priorities in an objective manner.
CTO, A101