Green Top 10 – September 2023

Bringing you the latest news about sustainability, green initiatives, renewable energy, conscious investments, climate actions and many more. Get the September 2023 Top 10 in Green edition!

Kardelen ÇelikContent Editor

September 1, 2023
5min read

1- Urban Strategies Challenged by Heatwaves

Increasing heatwaves globally prompt cities to adapt policies and operations to the climate crisis. Spain’s Valladolid discourages combustion engine vehicles to counter high ozone levels exacerbated by heatwaves, while Germany considers implementing siestas for workers. With 200 million urban dwellers currently at risk (expected to grow to 1.6 billion by 2050), few cities have guidelines for safe working temperatures. Heat is impacting tourism and economies, with Rome visitors leaving early due to extreme temperatures. Climate-responsive infrastructure, like Düsseldorf’s Kö-Bogen II’s green facade, gains attention for its cooling effects.

Source: WeForum

2- EU’s Electricity Generation from Fossil Fuels Hits All-Time Low in 2023

In the first half of 2023, the European Union (EU) witnessed a 17% decrease in fossil fuel consumption for electricity generation compared to the previous year, marking the lowest level since 2015. This drop, driven by reduced demand and increased clean energy use, aligns with the EU’s goals to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 55% from 1990 levels by 2030 and achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. The report by clean energy thinktank Ember emphasizes the need for sustainable energy replacements and urges quicker deployment of renewables, improved energy storage, and streamlined clean energy infrastructure permits to ensure a resilient energy future.

Source: The Guardian

3- China’s summer of climate destruction

China is facing an extraordinary summer with extreme heatwaves and devastating floods hitting unexpected areas, attributed to climate change by scientists. The destruction includes 40% of the Heilongjiang Province’s Wuchang rice crop wiped out, posing a threat to food supplies. Recorded floods in China have surged tenfold in a decade, intensified by global warming. While China is taking steps to mitigate the damage, experts stress the need for increased disaster readiness and infrastructure upgrades. This highlights a global challenge demanding collective action.

Source: BBC

4- An Innovative Approach to Capture and Repurpose Industrial Carbon Emissions

Researchers have devised an energy-efficient solution for carbon capture, crucial in addressing climate change. Using an electrochemical cell, they’ve developed a method to effectively trap and release carbon dioxide (CO2) at room temperature, requiring less energy than traditional approaches. This innovation holds promise for industries like cement production, which naturally emits CO2. The system’s positive cations “swing” across a liquid amine, enabling reversible CO2 capture. The prototype displayed strong stability and potential for practical, energy-conscious continuous CO2 capture-release in industrial settings.

Source: Science Daily

5- Media’s Failure in Climate Reporting and Urgent Need for Reform

In a presentation at Harvard’s Social Enterprise Conference, the role of media in shaping climate narratives was discussed. Mainstream media’s failure to effectively cover the climate crisis and their complicity in spreading fossil fuel industry propaganda were highlighted. The importance of adhering to core journalistic values of truth, independence, fairness, humanity, and accountability was stressed. Suggestions were made to stop publishing fossil fuel ads, increase climate coverage, and focus on solutions. Accurate and impactful reporting by the media was underscored as crucial for addressing the climate emergency.

Source: LinkedIn

6- Empowering Global Sustainability: Online Platforms Unite for Positive Change

Online platforms drive global sustainability collaboration, uniting individuals committed to eco-living. They share knowledge, spark positive change, and promote sustainable products. Challenges include misinformation, while opportunities lie in tech-driven verification. Using psychology and gamification, these platforms encourage eco-friendly actions and grassroots movements. Integrating advanced tech and immersive experiences enhances their role in building a greener world.

Source: Goodmenproject

7- Hurricane Idalia is set to be the costliest climate disaster of 2023 in the US, with damages estimated at $9.36 billion to $20 billion

Hurricane Idalia, a category 3 storm in the US, could become this year’s costliest climate disaster, with estimated damages ranging from $9.36 billion to $20 billion. This adds to the 15 other major disasters this year, totaling $39.7 billion in damage by July. These events are straining the insurance industry, particularly in Florida, where a fragile market is leading to higher premiums and reinsurance costs for consumers. Experts emphasize the urgent need for resilience and sustainability measures to tackle the growing financial impact of climate-related disasters.

Source: The Guardian

8- Top Socially Responsible Investment Apps for September 2023

Explore sustainable investing through socially responsible (SRI) and ESG strategies to align your values with your investments. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced investor, there are platforms offering SRI portfolios, ESG funds, and sustainable stocks. Some top choices include IMPACT for ESG, Betterment Investing for automation, Sustainfolio for various investor types, Ellevest for career-focused investing, Charles Schwab for self-directed trading, Wealthfront Investing for tax efficiency, M1 Finance for flexibility, and Ally Invest for Ally users. Discover the best socially responsible investing apps handpicked by Insider’s editors.

Source: Business Insider

9- Heat-Related Fatality Risk Has Surged Over the Last Two Decades

Carbon Brief warns that unless societies adapt to the impacts of extreme heat, a surge in temperature-related deaths during severe summer heatwaves could become commonplace. The study, published in Nature Communications, assessed temperature-related mortality in over 700 global cities and regions. It found a rapid increase in heat-related deaths over the past two decades and predicts a grim future unless urgent adaptation measures are implemented. The study’s authors emphasize the need for immediate mitigation and adaptation efforts, highlighting the disproportionate impact on the world’s poorest, who have limited means to cope with rising temperatures despite contributing the least to global emissions.

Source: Carbon Brief

10- Why the Ocean is hotter than ever

Global ocean temperatures have reached unprecedented levels, driven by climate change and weakened Sahara Desert winds, resulting in severe implications for marine life and humanity. These ocean heatwaves have doubled in frequency since the 1980s and are intensifying, posing a substantial threat. Rising marine temperatures lead to mass sea life fatalities, coral bleaching, and disruptions in food chains, with 25 to 50 percent of coral reefs already destroyed. Additionally, these heatwaves can trigger extreme weather events on land. Urgent action, including emission reduction and investment in nature-based solutions, is required to combat this crisis, which may become more common as emissions continue to rise.

Source: Unep