The analogue king is dead. Long live the new digital king!
We now see a light at the end of the tunnel. The pandemic was severe, but the toughest part seems to be over. Now, everybody must prepare for the “new normal”; the days coming out of lockdown.
Are you ready?
Consumers expect the best possible services. Many consumers have turned to digital channels, online payments and home delivery. Now, they are slowly returning to main streets, shopping, wining and dining. Since we are social animals, we enjoy going out, and soon we’ll continue to do so.
But one year is a long time. For some countries and cities, it has taken even longer. People got used to mobile apps and shopping behaviour has changed. Now you have to become as good, as nimble, as convenient as the best possible online app and last mile delivery service, whatever you are selling or providing as a service. Are you up to these expectations? Are you sure?
What about operations? Is your back-office up to speed? Will you be able to rapidly scale when demand is soaring again? What about your suppliers and the overall supply chain situation? Everybody is affected differently by the pandemic. Some have turned down their operations, some have scaled up. There are capacity bottlenecks in terms of production and logistics. A chip-crisis in far east is stopping the whole automotive industry. What are your options?
There is light at the end of the tunnel.
We’ve been through the darkest hours of this decade. Everybody adopted to the “new normal” more or less. Some benefited, some suffered. But what about your people? What about your culture? What about innovation? Are you up to the new situation, able to cope with the new realities?
We believe that digital is the only way forward. Digital is your best friend to overcome the crisis, basically any crisis. Digital gives you agility. Digital gives you flexibility. Digital gives you speed. Digital integrates value chains, end to end, reduces friction, reduces delays. All you dream of…
What gets measured, gets done.
We recommend you have a constant view on and control of your digital maturity. This is the ultimate and most comprehensive indicator that your digital transformation undertakings are going well, contributing business value, and you progress on your journey.
Make use of our resources centre and our self-assessment tools. If this sounds interesting and meaningful to you, as it should, then let’s have a deeper conversation and find out how we can help you succeed.